Business partners
"Hurungutun" refers to an individual or a group of individuals who influence the wealth distribution in society by investing in innovative projects that boost productivity, generate job opportunities, and contribute to economic growth. The strategic decisions made by Hurungutun directly impact the market, commodity prices, salaries, and business revenues. Essentially, Hurungutun represents the economy.
The Hurungutun Forum is a robust collaboration of economists, scholars, Hurungutuns, and professional associations and projects, aimed at shaping Mongolia's economy with a powerful influence on the allocations of wealth.
Vision: To establish itself as a leading platform for global high-net-worth investors.
Mission: To foster a robust collaboration fostering the exchange of economic, investment, and innovation opportunities.
Values: Insight: Identifying opportunities on a professional level.
Impact: Making decisions based on rationale.
Innovation: Proposing forward-looking solutions.
Slogan: Sharing opportunities.